We all understand this need to have our own space and not to be crowded in by other people, at least for some part of our life. So before we at last turn exclusively to the behavior of humans, it is valuable to describe two more animal distances for which there seem to be obvious human parallels; the minimum and maximum distances maintained between animals of the same species under particular circumstances. The lesser of these distances is the minimum distance a species will maintain separating its members under normal circumstances. Confusingly Hediger first used the phrase ‘personal distance’ to apply to this, and hence the common use of ‘personal space’ . This use of the word ‘personal’ is understandable, since the distance is not one universally followed by a species but rather depends upon the social status of the individual animal in its society. Dominant animals are given greater personal distances by the other members of their family, group, tribe, pack or whatever soc...